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Symbols and Sandplay Therapy
Symbols and Sandplay has been used in therapeutic counselling sessions for over 80 years and can be a powerful way for clients to tell their story and explore their feelings.…

Counselling People with Autism Spectrum Disorders – Approaches and Benefits
People with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), including Asperger’s Syndrome, are known to have repetitive behaviours or interests and difficulty with communication and social interactions. As the word spectrum suggests, the…
Counselling People with Autism Spectrum Disorders – Approaches and BenefitsRead More

3 Benefits of Online Counselling
As you know from our previous blog, there are many benefits to counselling. Online counselling also has added benefits that you might not have thought of. Accessing online counselling essentially…

Supporting someone with depression and intellectual disability
Depression can affect anyone. Depression can mean people have difficulty with their daily routines. It can impact on relationships and effect overall health, well-being and enjoyment of life. Depression is…
Supporting someone with depression and intellectual disabilityRead More

Getting the most from NDIS Support Coordination services
Your NDIS plan is approved – great! Now to start organising how you want to spend your support budgets to get the services that best suit your needs.You may have…
Getting the most from NDIS Support Coordination servicesRead More

Why goal setting is an important skill for life
At some point in your life you would have had a goal in mind that you wanted to accomplish by a certain time frame. It can be as simple as…

Planning for your NDIS review
Your NDIS review is an important part of your involvement with the scheme, but can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. At Support Suite, we highly recommend that you get…

3 Benefits of counselling
Counselling is used to support people process their emotions and problems in a healthy way. It provides tools and skills to cope with everyday life. It is a positive way to…